Diaghilev festival

Diaghelev festival
Media & design

The International Diaghilev Festival has as its goal the maintenance and development of the traditions of the outstanding impresario and propagandist of Russian culture Sergey Pavlovich Diaghilev. A distinctive feature of the Perm festival is not only the venue, but also its multi-genre nature. The diverse activities of Sergei Diaghilev related to the opera and ballet theater, music, visual arts, publishing, is a structural model of the festival and is implemented as a complex of artistic events and research symposia​​​​​​​

Client — Diaghilev festival, Russia
Coordinator — Anna Samsonova 
Photographer — Julia Aksenova / Tatyana Belovika / Daryana Osotkina / Kirill Kozlov, Russia

Videographer — Denis Yashin / Ivan Voronchikhin / Matvey Angular, Russia
Designer  — Martin King, Russia
Developed by the studio — GS Team, Russia

Diaghilev festival